We value your hearing as much as you do and it’s for this reason that we will do everything that we can to ensure the health and protection of one of your most valuable assets.

Hearing Tests

Gain knowledge! Become confident in your decisions as we are in our recommendations.

Wax Removal

We perform a couple types of wax removal at Kirkyz Acoustix.

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Maintenance comes in all shapes in sizes and at Kirkyz Acoustix we know how to maintain the hearing aid the best.

Hearing Aid Adjustments

Hearing aid adjustments are very easy to do or can be very tricky depending on what you needs and what listening environments you are in.

Looking for a hearing care professional?

At Kirkyz Acoustix, we take time to see the whole person, not just the hearing. Tell us your unique needs and concerns. We offer friendly, professional hearing care for every adult.


Conveniently located off of Deerfoot Trail and Peigan Trail SE in Calgary.


Send Us A Message

Schedule a hearing test or contact us today to discuss your hearing needs and the latest solutions available.